DEBEST Cadenabbia Agenda

DEBEST Cadenabbia Agenda

Trust and Well-Being in Our Digital Age

The result of DEBEST 2023 is the DEBEST Cadenabbia Agenda with the focus on Trust in Our Digital Age. Trust is essential for the well-being of each human and our societies and economies. Trust is the basis for fair-play between the nations on our common planet earth.

1. Preamble

a. Our world is an imperfect place. People have always summoned technologies to better their lives. Our concern must be that the technologies we use live up to this responsibility to improve the well-being of all individuals.

b. We are facing major challenges and have to solve wicked problems. Therefore, problems need to be looked at from a holistic perspective.

2. Principles

a. Technologies should be rewarding, benevolent, convenient, fair, trustworthy, accountable, affordable, accessible, modular, distributed, adaptable.

b. Trust requires time to be developed. Individuals will only trust technology if it exhibits benevolent criteria over time.

c. The benefits of technology need to be distributed in a fair manner

d. Digital solutions need to be developed and used according to true costs recognizing externalities.

e. Solutions have to be science-based taking total costs into account.

f. Everything is a resource.

g. We need solutions not bandaids.

h. Digital solutions should be developed with a participatory approach.

i. Technology serves best when it augments the human factor. Especially in the innovation process and in educational material.

j. Technologies can divide and alienate. To minimize existing and to avoid new technology induced barriers, solutions need to be accessible, inclusive, explainable and understandable.

k. Digital technologies help to prevent the excession of the carrying capacities of earth’s systems and cycles.

3. Approaches we propose

a. The collaboration between humans and digital technologies will redefine boundaries of daily life and work. This requires new forms of teaching and learning to live up to the well-being of all individuals.

b. Redesign “The winner takes it all”. Ensure that this “law” of the digital platform economy is summoned by checks and balances. Account for values and principles of each individual and the societies.

c. System dynamics and 360 degree thinking need to be taught, considered, and scoped so that people understand the casualties of their actions.

d. Critical thinking with regard to system boundaries is needed.

e. Regulations are needed to make the best use of the possibilities technologies offer.

f. In engineering and science as well as in daily and professional life, always put humans first. In particular, their essence of being human and their needs using human-centered design approaches.

g. To communicate and help individuals to understand the values and principles of their society we can use storytelling and games.

h. Develop communication, negotiation, and argumentation methods to effectively and continuously establish trust in the digital future.

i. Prioritize “quality innovation” with digital technologies. Innovations need to enhance individual, social, and environmental well-being. It is self-evident that such innovations are sustainable.

[Download DEBEST Cadenabbia Agenda]

The Context of DEBEST Cadennabia Agenda

The DEBEST 2023 (Digital Ecosystems, Blockchain Evolution, and Sustainable Tranformation, think-tank conference took place from October 18-22 2023 at Villa La Collina, Griante-Cadenabbia, Lago di Como, Italy. A group of world class experts in Digital Ecosystems and Sustainable Transformation from Science, Education, and Innovation Adoption attended. Our Digital Age offers great opportunities for the challenges humans, our societies and economies, and our living space earth faces. The presentations, debates, and statements have been video captured. The result is the DEBEST Cadenabbia Agenda with the focus on Trust in Our Digital Age. Trust is essential for the well-being of each human and our societies and economies. Trust is the basis for fair-play between the nations on our common planet earth. Villa La Collina used to be the summer residence of Konrad Adenauer, the first chancellor of Germany after WWII. It is a place, where mutual trust has always been the basis, located in a beautiful ecosystem. For DEBEST 2023, Villa La Collina as a place of trust was the perfect venue place. We welcome you to collaborate.

DEBEST Cadenabbia Agenda Conference Audiance Led by: Martin Anda, Stefanie Betz, Andrea Back, Lutz Bauer, Elizabeth Chang, Ernesto Damiani, Gregor C. Falk, Wolfgang Gräther, Achim P. Karduck, Irma Lindt, Marc Oliver Pahl, Sinan Tumer, Christian Wagner, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, with the support of all DEBEST participants.

[Statement of Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker for DEBEST 2023]

[Summary of Achim P. Karduck at Villa La Collina]

[DEBEST keynotes, debates, and statements at Villa La Collina]