DEBEST 2023 Publications

Conference Proceeding, Submission completed, publication in process.

  • Conference Technical Track: Special issue of the International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems (EIS), Jan 2024, ISSN 1472 8915, Vol 32, #1. Submission completed, publication in process.
  • Conference Keynote Track: Special issue of the International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems (EIS), Mar 2024, ISSN 1472 8915, Vol 32, #2. Deadline : 20 Jan 2024.
  • Special Session in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical-Systems, in IEEE Xplore, 2024 Vol 2.0, see call for paper below, due 20 Feb 2024. Deadline : 20 Feb 2024.
  • Book Chapter in Springer Book Publication on Digital Ecosystems 20 Feb 2024, by invitation only

Call for Papers for Special Collection on Secure, Sustainable, and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems as Embodiments of Digital Ecosystems: [Download Call for Papers][Submit Paper]