7th IEEE DESTInternational Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST)

7th IEEE DESTInternational Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST)

Menlo Park, CA, USA | 2013

Proceedings: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/6596009/proceeding

The 7th IEEE DEST International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST) will be held in Menlo Park, CA, USA, on 24-26 June 2013. DEST is a premier international forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in the field of digital ecosystems and technologies. The conference will feature keynote speeches, technical sessions, and workshops. The conference will be held in conjunction with the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2013).

Lotfi A. Zadeh joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1959, and served as its chairman from 1963 to 1968. Earlier, he was a member of the electrical engineering faculty at Columbia University. In 1956, he was a visiting member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. In addition, he held a number of other visiting appointments, among them a visiting professorship in Electrical Engineering at MIT in 1962 and 1968; a visiting scientist appointment at IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA, in 1968, 1973, and 1977; and visiting scholar appointments at the AI Center, SRI International, in 1981, and at the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, in 1987-1988. Currently he is a Professor in the Graduate School, and is serving as the Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing). Until 1965, Dr. Zadeh’s work had been centered on system theory and decision analysis. His 1965 paper on fuzzy sets has received over 26,000 Google Scholar citations and is by far the highest cited paper in Information and Control. Since 1965, his research interests have shifted to the theory of fuzzy sets and its applications to artificial intelligence, linguistics, logic, decision analysis, control theory, expert systems and neural networks. Currently, his research is focused on fuzzy logic, soft computing, computing with words, and the newly developed computational theory of perceptions and precisiated natural language.

Dr. Zadeh is a recipient of twenty-four honorary doctorates from: Paul-Sabatier University, Toulouse, France; State University of New York, Binghamton, NY; University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany; University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain; University of Granada, Granada, Spain; Lakehead University, Canada; University of Louisville, KY; State Oil Academy of Azerbaijan; Baku State University, Azerbaijan; the Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland; the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; the University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic; the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; the University of Paris(6), Paris, France; Jahannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria; University of Waterloo, Canada; the University of Aurel Vlaicu, Arad, Romania; Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland; Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan; Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China; Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India; University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada; the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain and Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


IEEE DEST 2013 Keynote: Massive Data Analytics for Smart Planet

IBM Fellow, ACM Fellow

Hamid Pirahesh, Ph.D., is an IBM Fellow and ACM Fellow and a senior manager responsible for the exploratory database department at IBM Research - Almaden in San Jose, California.

IEEE DEST 2013 Keynote: Social Media for Sustained Digital Ecosystems

City University Hong Kong, School of Creative Media


Christian Wagner is Professor of Information Systems at City University’s Information Systems Department. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of British Columbia in 1989. Thereafter he spent seven years as a faculty member at the University of Southern California, before joining City University in January 1996. Wagner specializes in the development and study of decision support systems, creativity support, and knowledge management with wikis and weblogs.

He is Professor Associate Provost (Quality Assurance) of City University Hong Kong, and Associate Dean of the School of Creative Media. iversity’s Information Systems Department.

IEEE DEST 2013 Keynote: Cyber-Physical-Systems – Cloud Computing Ecosystems and Cloud of Things

La Trobe University, Australia


Professor Tharam Dillon is internationally recognized for his research on Semantic Web, Web services, knowledge discovery, and data mining, neural networks, intelligent systems, object-oriented systems, communications, fault tolerant systems, and distributed protocol engineering. He is head of the IFIP International Task Force WG2.12/24 on Semantic Web and Web Semantics, and the IEEE/IES Technical Committee on Industrial Informatics. He has published 12 books, 650 research papers as book chapters, in journals, and in international conferences. His research has received over 2,500 citations with a Hurst index of 24 (Google scholar). Research interests include: Cyber Physical Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Semantic Web, Ontologies, XML Systems, Bioinformatics, Expert and Intelligent systems, Data Mining, etc. His research has made significant contributions to a number of application areas including logistics, banking and finance, electrical power systems, telecommunications and management.

Daniela works at google since August 2013 as UX Researcher (User Experience). At IEEE DEST 2013 in July 2013, she still worked at AT&T Foundry as Product Manager & Product Designer in Menlo Park.


IEEE DEST 2013 Keynote: Technology Innovation for Networked Life


SEED Inaugural Workshop – Expert on Tap

CEO EPR-Forum Oslo, Norway


Hans A. Kielland has many years of experience in system integration and networking relevant to the EPR work. Much of his projects over the last couple years have been in the area of Enterprise Resource Planning and Portal Technology. His experience in service integration, engineering, production, sale, logistic and installation will be an important contribution to enabling the services in an OASIS Template driven super portal. He acts as co-chair for the OASIS CAM TC and the OASIS BCM-EPR SC.

Over the last 10 years, his work has been dominated by open and platform independent solutions based on international standardization, handling different process control busses and TCP/IP networking. He has been participating in international standardization work in this area ending up with EIA-721 standard (Electronic Industries Association). Along with his SW team in Romania, he has developed a special Process Server based on the EIA-721 standard. He has extensive experience in SW development both on microprocessor technology, mini computers and main frames. He has developed his own Real Time operating systems and bus protocols ahead of his international standardization work in OASIS. He was also the founder of IT & Process AS in Norway delivering energy control systems to the utility industry and co-founder of Integrasoft Srl in Romania, specialists in audio and video streaming along with home automation. He has a Master of Science in Engineering Cybernetics from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology and is running his own consultant company, IT & Integration AS.

SEED Inaugural Workshop – Expert on Tap

Institute of Science and Industrial Research, in Cooperation with the Institute for Sustainability and Peace, United Nations University (Dr. Osamu Saito) Osaka University, Japan



Dr Kouji Kozaki has organized several research projects relating to building a resource circulating society in Asia, sustainability assessment and indicator systems, environmental risk management, and ontology-based knowledge conceptualization for sustainability science. Recognizing the growing importance of Asia’s environmental impacts on the global environment, economics, and human society, his recent work focuses on developing sustainability assessment methods (multicriteria analysis) and developing future scenarios with policy measures to create and maintain sound interlinkage between ecosystem services, biomass use, and human well being in Asia. He has conducted on-site surveys in China (Shanghai), Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City), and Malaysia (Sarawak) to investigate household energy and biomass resource use. He has also created future scenarios of these cities up to 2030 and estimated changes in energy consumption and CO2 emission for each scenario. Through his wide range background in ecological study, environmental systems research, environmental risk management, and sustainability science, he seeks to develop an integrated sustainable governance model based on environmental management and risk science for both human communities and ecosystems. Peace, United Nations University (Dr. Osamu Saito) Osaka University, Japan

iFOSSF Research Assistant


iFOSSF Research Assistant


Prince of Wales Fellows Coordinator


Steve Chan has served as a Chief Architect/Research Fellow within the Engineering Systems Division of MIT (Large-scale systems design and High performance computing), a Fellow within the MIT School of Engineering (Smart Grid and Cyber security), a Fellow at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science – Center for Geographic Analysis (Spatio-temporal analysis), a Faculty Research Fellow at the University of Memphis (Advanced spatial analysis), a Technology Dissemination Fellow at the MIT International Development Initiative (Information technology for International development/Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief), a Researcher at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society (Unstructured data and Creative rights), and a Chief Technology Officer/Research Fellow for the MIT E-Lab at the Department of Comparative Media Studies (Collaborative Big Data, Civic media tools, and Serious gaming).

His publications have appeared in refereed journals, such as those of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Future Internet. He also serves on the Program Committee for peer-reviewed venues, such as the IEEE-NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence’s Cyber Conflict Conference (CYCON) and for the Journal of Information Technology for Development.

He serves on the Board of Advisors for the Advanced Distributed Learning Center for Intelligent Tutoring Systems Research and Development at the FedEx Institute of Technology, a spin-off organization from the Eindhoven University of Technology’s Information Visualization group (Synerscope), and he also serves on the Advisory Council for the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium (NCOIC).

University of Reunion Island Biodiversity Informatics towards Horizon 2020


Noël Conruyt is Associate Professor in Computer Science at the LIM Mathematics and Computer Science laboratory, Sciences and Technologies Faculty of Reunion University, Saint-Denis of La Réunion. Before joining Reunion University in 1994, he was a Ph.D. student at INRIA of Rocquencourt and University of Paris IX Dauphine, from where he also got my Ph.D. in Computer Science (Machine Learning and Symbolic-Numeric Data Analysis applied to the Knowledge Management of specialists in Biology). His research interests lie in Knowledge Engineering and Human Computer Interaction with an emphasis on co-design and social aspects of computing.

He is especially interested in user-centered approaches related to environmental management for sustainable development, in which biodiversity informatics is a central concern for better protection of our heritage: we only protect what we better know

IEEE DEST 2013 Keynote: Co-Innovation, Envision the Future, Crossroad Innovation

Senior Director SAP Co-Innovation Lab, USA

Board Member of the German Center for Research and Innovation



Sinan Tumer is the Senior Director of SAP Co-Innovation Lab in the East Coast region of USA. He is responsible for establishing an open innovation process by harnessing SAP’s partner ecosystem to deliver innovative business solutions to SAP’s customers. Previously he was responsible for managing international research policies at SAP Research with special emphasis on innovation deployment and adoption programs of the US Federal Government and the European Commission like pre-commercial public procurement, technology procurement and pre-competitive R&D for commercialization. As the Director of Operations at SAP Research, he was responsible for operations of SAP Research centers around the globe.

Sinan joined SAP in 1991 at SAP America in Philadelphia. Before transferring to SAP’s global research senior management team in 2000, he held various management positions at SAP America as the Consulting Director of the North East region and as the Software Partner Alliance Director. Prior to his career at SAP, he had held various IT management positions, eight years as Systems Integration consulting at Andersen Consulting and Price Waterhouse, as well as Information Systems management positions at leading consumer products companies for six years.

Sinan is serving on the Foundation Board of German Center for Research & Innovation as the Co-President in NY USA. He is an Advisory Board member of the BILAT USA consortium funded by the European Commission promoting US-EU Transatlantic innovation cooperation. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board and Co-Chair of the Innovation Adoption Forum of IEEE DEST (Digital Ecosystems) Series. Sinan holds Master degree in Systems Engineering and Master of Science degree in Computer Sciences, both from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia USA.

IEEE DEST 2013 Keynote: Technology Innovation for the Networked Life

Cdling Capital Services Inc. Sunnyvale, California, USA


Michael Cayley is joining Canada’s Crowdfunding team as National VP of Startup Advocacy. With the same motive, Cayley founded Cdling Capital Services Inc. Cdling (pronounced “seedling”) is a ratings agency that measures risk and builds trust in the era of low cost, globally funded startups.

Having attracted over US$50-million in investment and closed over $21-million in pre-launch sales for startups in China, the USA and domestically, Michael is living the struggle of the self-funded, pre-revenue Founder in Canada. He understands the pace of global innovation. He founded & funded the Ontario Cross-border Technology Innovation Ecosystem (OCTIE) study and he designed and taught the first, post graduate level, social media course in a full time program in Canada: crowdsourcing over 100 global experts as mentors. Cdling grew out of Michael’s Social Capital Value Add thesis, conceived during his MBA in Paris, linking social media to corporate valuation. SCVA was selected as a finalist amoung 379 entries from 48 countries in Ashoka’s WeMedia: Power of Us competition and was published as a ChangeThis manifesto in 2008.

In 2012, Cdling was selected for the Canadian Technology Accelerator Program in Sunnyvale, California, where Cayley connected with the Founders of Startup Grind, the fastest growing startup blog and meetup network emerging out of Silicon Valley. In April, he was appointed Director of Startup Grind Toronto and is leading an innovative series of events to inspire, educate and connect startups.